Sunday, March 19, 2006

Out of steam

After a weekend dedicated to getting my research proposal complete, I think I am spent. My proposal is due on Tuesday, and I get to present it on Thursday. I hope to feel some sense of relief after it is over..not that I won't be continually working on it and revising it more over the next 2 months. But the fact that I will have completed a major portion of the final paper, and that I have completed the final project this term in my research methods class, makes me feel good.

Only a few more weeks, and then I can let out a DEEP BREATH..well, at least for a few days. Then it will be back to work. Our program's 2nd term ends on the 31st, and we are done exams around the 10th of April. We have a small break and then we are back at it April 24th for the last 4 months. The countdown is on.

I thought to myself the other day, 'what am I gonna do with myself when I don't have school.' I have spent some much of my 'free time' focused on school, I think I am gonna feel a little lost come September.

1 comment:

Suz said...


You'll be so excited by whatever job you end up landing.

And you will be able to fill your days with all the things you've been wanting to do. And you'll even start having the money to do it!!