Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hoping for a productive day

I am looking forward to getting a lot done today. Let's hope that is exactly how it turns out. I have confined myself to the house, and I have no reason to leave. I am not really interested in any distractions like tv, movies, or computer games. Given all of those things I should be able to get a lot done today.

I am presently hashing through my interview trancripts and attempting to develop categories and themes for my content analysis. From what I have read, I should have a very detailed and structure method of determine why certain words and phrases fall into certain categories and under certain themes, however I don't. I am not sure how that will exactly play out in my paper, but I am hoping it will all come together.

My goal for today is to finish up the last bit of Chapter 3 - Research Method, and start writing up Chapter 4 - Results. If I can get that done, I will be on my way to handing in my draft to my supervisor by July 28th. Well, that is the plan.

So, I guess I should get to work. And get some coffee.


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