Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My UK Favourite List

  1. Cheese
  2. Fruit - especially the cheeries and the strawberries. Kinda reminds me of the fruit we got in San Jose when we were visiting them.
  3. Baguettes
  4. Smaller portions
  5. Lots of walking and biking - although, I didn't actually get to do any biking.
  6. Fresh markets
  7. Castles - I didn't see as many as I would have liked. I guess another trip back is in order.
  8. The Alphabet - you'll have to ask me about that one.
  9. Linen clothes - specifically skirts. I am so glad I bought a couple when I was here. Everyone wears skirts. I love it.
  10. Ice cream - I am not a huge fan of ice cream, but the ice cream here is fantastic. Even plain old vanilla. Then again it isn't all that plain when it is made with real cream and real vanilla.
  11. Pimms Lemonade - a cool, refreshing drink.
  12. Driving in Scotland and Edinburgh
  13. Oxford Museums - especially the Ashmolean Museum and the Oxford Museum of Natural History. In fact, I just say both of them today.


Anonymous said...

the alphabet? - erm is it the way we say it? I'm curious.

neuba said...

Exactly....they way you sing the alphabet is completely different. It was quite amusing the first time I heard it.

cenobyte said...

I like cheeries, too. We have cheeries in Canada; usually you have to smile first, though.

Anonymous said...

What NO BOX STORES How does that half of the world work? LOL 8)