Friday, March 16, 2007


I have been thinking a lot in the past few days about friendships and relationships. My friendships are extremely important to me. For the most part, they provide love, support, respect, advice, guidance, and companionship. It feels good to know these friendships contribute a great deal to who I am as a person and how I cope with the tough issues in life.

One thing I tend to think less of, but that I should really think a lot more about, is: how good of a friend am I? It is all well and good to have friends, but I think it is just as important, if not more important, to be a good friend.

For me, it has taken some self-reflection for me to figure this out, and I didn't really like it the first time I told myself, but when I become selfish in my actions I begin to take my friends for granted and become disrespectful to them. This is hard for me to admit because I never want to feel as though my own selfish needs and wants override the friendships I treasure so deeply. In the long run, it will only hurt myself and my friends.

Through this revelation, I have realized that I need to stay strong in my belief that true friendships are the priority and although selfishness satisfies us temporarily, it really isn't worth destroying the lives of those around you.

As I continue with many struggles in my life, I have a constant reminder of these thoughts. It is important for me to practice every day, respect of others, as that is the only way to receive it in return.

It can be unfortunate when you realize who your true friends are and those who are simply concerned with themselves.


cenobyte said...

It is human nature to think of ourselves before others; trying to overcome that 'genetic imperative' is very, very difficult.

And there are times when you *need* to be selfish; when you *should* be selfish. That doesn't mean you should concern yourself only with your own needs and wants, excluding those of others around you, but rather that you need to make sure your needs are being fulfilled before you can help others fulfill theirs.

A long way of saying that sometimes, it's okay to be a little selfish.

neuba said...

Makes perfect sense. Selfishness does come from satisfying ones own needs.

I guess I was looking more at the damage that can come when people consciously choose to be selfish in the face of others when you know that you are severely negatively impacting (yes, I know, too many descriptors) other peoples lives.

When you acknowledge what you are doing is selfish and damaging but you do it anyway in the most disrespectful way.