Saturday, May 05, 2007


Alrighty, I have almost had enough of this shitty weather. I think it was nicer in March than it has been over the last couple of weeks. In fact, I recall posting about Spring all the way back at the beginning of March. So much for an early spring.

I figured it wasn't too nice out when I woke up to the wind howling outside. But when I saw a thin layer of snow on the ground, I wasn't too happy. And to think, my dad was just out in my yard last weekend mowing my lawn. Sheesh.

Apparently the weather here in Edmonton can be inconsistent. Not as bad as Calgary, but the Edmonton area has been know to get snow storms in the middle of May - great! At least in Saskatchewan it is pretty consistent. It is damn cold for about 7 months and nice and warm for the remaining. Considering I am still in my first year of living in Alberta, I think I will ponder through a few more seasonal cycles before I make a conclusion of which weather pattern I prefer.

In other news, you are probably wondering what the heck I am doing up so early on a Saturday morning. Well, thursday night was a bit late, just a bit (those darn phone conversations...too many interesting things to say I guess), so I was absolutely exhausted yesterday and was in bed by 10pm. I didn't fall asleep right away, but I woke up refreshed and ready to go around 6AM this morning. Plus, I am off to pick up BFF soonish from the airport.

Other than some shopping, most of our activities should be indoor, so the weather doesn't really put a damper on the weekend. I am definitely looking forward to the +23 they have forcasted for Tuesday.

1 comment:

Siochain said...

A ha ahahahahahahahaaa.....
Welcome to Alberta! Where any weather forecast longer than 2 days is more useless than... um...
No wait. Don't give up on me. More useless than... er... um... eh... um... AHA! More useless than Ben's attempts to get Nathan Fillion off my "list". Yeah. That's gold, baby.