Sunday, January 06, 2008

First Challenge of 2008

I did say in my last post that I had no specific resolutions, but that I would continue with my standard MO. So in keeping with my MO of 'challenging myself, I am going to try to be more poetic in 2008.

My sweet Mr. J gave me the Magnetic Poetry Haiku Kit as one of my gifts this Christmas season. As well as a book of poems by e.e. cummings.

I just finished assembling the magnetics on my fridge and completed my first haiku poem (ever) of 2008.

a flower petal
blossoming for a childs smile
will fall with a tear

1 comment:

cenobyte said...

you should enter the writing contest at the centre of the universe...i believe it is to write a postcard story or a poem either using the following phrase, or built around its theme:

"How do I get industrial glue off of an animal?"