Saturday, December 13, 2008

Knitting Again

After somewhat of a long hiatus, I am back at the knitting game.

I had started a blanket for my girlfriend when I found out she was pregnant..that was almost 2 years ago. I would have to say, I slowly worked on it until it was about half done, and then I simply lost interest and quit knitting for awhile. As I've said before, I pretty much only knit in the winter, and last winter I really didn't do anything.

So....with her and her little boy coming to visit a couple of weeks ago, I figured I best get it done. He's only 15 months, but I was sure he'd still appreciate it. So, over the months of October and November I managed to get it finished and presented it to Little Man A on November 29th.

It was my first attempt at cabling, and I really liked it. Although, for you knitters out there, I am sure you've already noticed that the blanket is upside down. I was stretching it out, and didn't realize until the next day that I had it upside down...and of course, forgot to take another picture. Oh well, you get the idea.

As you can see, he is loving it.

I've already started on the next one. She is pregnant again, and so are our friends in Saskatoon. So I've got 2 blankets to finish in the next 3 months. And this time I want to be on time with the gift.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Looks lovely!