Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My Little Rant

Today's weather was once again cloudy, rainy, and cool - not very nice at all. Didn't even get a chance to walk on the beach after work because it was raining so heavily. Of course we forgot our umbrella - Duh!

I wrapped up my first seminar today. I was teaching the 2-day "Working & Communicating Effectively with Others". It went fairly good, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I always find it interesting how people evaluate their experience in one of my seminars. Each person gets the opportunity to rate (on a scale of 1-6) the seminar and the facilitator on such things as:
-how applicable is this to your work
-opportunity for discussion
-leader's knowledge
-leader's ability

For the most part people are either lazy and just circle the same number for each category, or they have valuable input and provide you with some good constructive comments and criticisms. However, the odd time you get a weird comment that makes no sense. Like today - one of my participants decided that this seminar didn't really apply to his work, and was more applicable to his personal life. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't communication apply to just about every aspect of life!? Oh well, I guess everyone has their own interpretation, and learns and applies information differently to life.

I guess I just need to vent a little every once in awhile.

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