Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Today was an early morning for me - up at 5:30am to hit the road by 6:00 am and head out to Tisdale for my seminar today.

Everyone at work thinks that I am a little crazy for getting up so early and driving such a long way, and then having to repeat the drive at the end of the day. I do agree that it makes for a long work day - 12 hrs to be exact, but I do really enjoy it.

When I have those long drives, I really like to reflect on life. Especially on a early morning like today. You put in your favorite music, watch the sunrise, and contemplate life. I tend to use these opportunities to reflect on all of the things that are happening in my life - friends, family, relationships, work, what seems to be going right, or wrong, what, if anything I would like to change about myself, my environment - or simply thinking about all the possible choices that could be made right now in my life.

I find that it is good therapy for myself to think about the possibilities in and my life. It gives me thoughts and ideas to draw upon when I am faced with difficult life decisions. It helps me make the choices that are right for me, and helps me feel certain about the choices I am making. Plus I get a nice calm, peaceful environment to do my thinking.

Watching the sunrise, listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, and driving was the best way to spend my morning - even if it was way to early.


Carl said...

Wow, deep.

I barely ever think at all.

neuba said...

Sure you do - you are an Engineer, and you work for Apple. You must think - don't you Carl? Don't disappoint me!