Sunday, August 10, 2008

The World of Comics

So, I've taken a break from reading The God Delusion (even though I'm really enjoying it and TUO says it's great) due to the fact that I've been quite distracted with a number of comic books.

I started reading Fables a couple of years ago, and James had picked up the most recent book - The Good Prince. I managed to finish Volume 10 on our trip. TUO & R:tAG told me about the spin-off - Jack of Fables, so I picked up Volume 1 when I was down visiting and just picked up Volume 2 yesterday at Happy Harbour Comics.

I've been reading the Sandman Series for the past couple of months. However, due to other readings I am only on Volume 3. However, I am really enjoying the series, and will be reading more of it in the coming months.

I finished off Stardust a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Also, forgoing Bne's recommendation, I picked up Neverwhere. TUO & R:tAG raved about it, so I decided to pick up the novel (see that I am on this Neil Gaiman kick). Don't worry Bne, I do plan on reading Good Omens - as soon as I find it. I look in every book store I am in, and I can never find it.

The Walking Dead Vol 8, just came out, so I'm going to have to pick up a copy as soon as I can. An excellent series; a bit gory at times, but really, it's zombies!

Besides the current series' I am reading, I need to read The Watchman before the movie comes out. And also, Y: The Last Man.

I am really enjoying this new genre of reading.

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