Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

Today is my 1st Mother's Day.  Although we did celebrate last year when Master K was in utero, it feels a little more real this year.

Master K is the light of my life - he makes me smile, laugh, cry, worry....every emotion in the world.  I could not have asked for a more precious child.  I love him with all my heart.  He is my life.

Being a mother is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.  I never really understood when mothers said, 'you'll never know until you become a mother' or 'a child will completely change your life' or 'you don't understand; you don't have kids' or 'you'll feel differently when you have kids.'  I honestly didn't think children affected your life THAT MUCH!

Now, I know better!  Parents say these things to singles or childless parents because it really is that hard to explain how you will feel, react, or behave once a child becomes part of your life.

It is amazing, fantastic, wonderful, stressful, tasking, frustration - yet so rewarding.

I love motherhood, I love my husband, I love our family, and I love my precious son.

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