Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I just saw you yesterday

It was a whirlwind long weekend, with a trip back to Saskatchewan to visit family and friends.

The grandparents had requested a visit, since it had been over 2 months since they saw Master K. Mr. J and I didn't have anything planned for the long weekend, so we decided to make the long trip back for a visit.

Coincidentally, our California friends TUO & R:tAG were in town for a wedding, so we arranged to meet up with them. We hadn't seen them since Suz & Jer's wedding, when I was 'as big as a house' (according to R:tAG) and I figured they'd want to meet Master K.

It was a wonderful visit at the Broadway Roastery, with many additional friends visiting as well: AJ, J-Bra, Al, cenobyte & family.

With everyone spread out across provinces and countries, we don't see each other as often as we did 10 years ago. But it's nice to know that when we do get together, it's like no time has passed at all and feels like we just saw everyone yesterday. I love that about my friends.

Master K made quite an impression, as usual, and was smiley as ever. He was fascinated with TUO's shirt buttons and necklace and couldn't stop eying up cenobyte's bountiful 'buffet'.

I would have liked to see some more people, but with carting Master K around all day, it becomes difficult. My parents need to move into the city, so we don't have to waste time driving in and out. It would make visiting friends and family a lot more convenient.

Of course, no trip to Saskatoon is complete without a stop at Dragon's Den and 8th St. Books and Comics....oh, and a Venice House pizza.

It was a busy and tiring weekend, so I'm glad to be home.


Amy said...

It was really wonderful to have seen you all, and Master K. is not only as cute as his pictures promised, but so good-natured as well!

neuba said...

I wish we could visit more, alas distance and babies take their toll on one's ability to see each other.

Hopefully we'll see each other again soon, perhaps in California, if we can manage a trip with the little guy.

Suz said...

It sounds like a really good time. I would have loved to have been there.